NaNoWriMo Is in the Air!

Hi everybody,

First, look how awesome this plate of chips is:

It's mouth-watering, right? I know! I wish you guys could have a bite. The chips are 100% made from scratch. Last Friday, I went to the NaNoWriMo kick-off party in this awesome restaurant where all their food are made from scratch, including side dishes. The potato chips there are my favorite since they are thinly peeled and fried to crispy goodness. If you have ever eaten home-made chips, you can say the commercial chips in the bag goodbye. These chips are the real deal.

Putting the chips aside, I have to say this November is going to be a lot of fun. Again, I am joining NaNoWriMo for the third time since I moved to the Sunshine State. It is a lot of fun as I get to meet a lot of writers in town and make friends with them. The goal to write 50,000 words in a month is daunting but I guess if you can do it, you can pretty much do anything in your life. Without NaNoWriMo, I could not have done a lot of things. It gave me confidence.

If you want to add more fun and a dash of craziness to your already hectic life, I urge you to join NaNoWriMo. For those who are writing a thesis or a dissertation, my advice is to focus on your work and sit this round down. I did join NaNoWriMo last year but got wise up after 7,500 words when I realized I really needed to graduate.

Of course, I will continue blogging here as much as I can. I can't leave you guys alone, can I? Also, I will keep you updated with my word count progress. My goal is to pass 50,000 words and continue writing as close to the end of my story as possible.

Here to a fun November and a lot of fearless writing!

P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!